
Performance information and tools
Performance information and tools

performance information and tools performance information and tools

To open the reliability monitor, open the Action Center, click the down arrow to open the maintenance group, and click View reliability history. Unless someone has cleared its history log, it reports problem since Windows was installed. The Reliability Monitor gives information about problems and errors that occur over time. If you suspect a worm or other process is slowing down the network with a excessive activity, look for the process in the processes with network activity group on the Network tab. If you're going computer shopping, you can also check the Windows Experience Index and WinSAT to see how capable a prospective system is.The Network tab of the Resource Monitor is useful is suspected a program is hogging network resources. This is a quick way to get a read on your system's performance, without having to download anything. Open one up and you can find individual scores. Head to the folder %SystemRoot%\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore to find XML files on those components. As Chad Schultz points out on his Microsoft TechNet blog, the WinSAT tool benchmarks more hardware components: CPU, disk, graphics, memory, and so on. You can get a lot more information, though, than that overall score. The lowest-rated component in your system determines your rating in my case, I got a 5.7 (on Win7) thanks to the integrated graphics on the laptop. The higher the score, the more powerful your system is. That number starts from a low of 1 to a high of 5.9 for Vista, 7.9 for Windows 7 and 9.9 for Windows 8. You'll find the Windows Experience Index score under the Control Panel > Performance Information and Tools (or by searching for "experience index"). Beyond that overall score, however, you can access more detailed information for other components of your system using the baked-in WinSAT (Windows System Assessment Tool). Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 all come with a system performance measurement, Windows Experience Index, that tells you how well the computer will run Windows.

Performance information and tools